Wednesday, June 10, 2015

We all know that it's important to drink water every day -- but you might not realize all of the benefits that water has on our bodies.  Our bodies are composed of about 60% water.  The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of bodily temperature.
Benefits of water

1.   Helps to maintain healthy body weight by helping organs function properly thus increasing metabolism.  Water also reduces hunger – why wouldn't you drink more water – it’s a natural appetite suppressant.  Water also helps keep our metabolism functioning at its best.

2.  Increased water leads to increased energy levels.  The most common cause of daytime fatigue and weakness is mild dehydration.

3. Water is essential for our bodies to digest foods and prevents constipation.  I counsel many patients at the pharmacy about the link between dehydration and constipation.  We should all strive to drink more water.

4. Water naturally moisturizes our skin by hydrating skin cells and plumping them up.  Water helps to flush impurities and improves blood flow helping skin to glow.

5. 70%-80% of our brain tissue is water.  If you are dehydrated, your body and mind are put under internal stress which can lead to lack of concentration and feeling foggy.

6. Water helps to build muscle tone.  Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping lubricates joints and aids in muscle recovery.  Water helps to keep muscles more elastic.  When our cells don’t contain the correct balance of fluids and electrolytes, the cells shrivel which can lead to muscle fatigue.

7. Dehydration can lead to headaches – even mild dehydration can contribute to a headache.

8. Water supports kidney and liver function allowing these organs to flush toxins from body. 

9. Water helps carry nutrients and oxygen to cells within the body.

10. Water helps with fluid retention – more water helps the body rid itself of excess sodium which results in less fluid retention.

Remember that if you feel thirsty, you are already slightly dehydrated. To calculate the amount of water that you need each day: take you body weight, divided in half and this is the number of ounces that we should drink each day. 

And the more active you are, the more water you should be drinking every day.

Tips to increase your daily water intake

1. Eat more fruits and veggies to increase your daily water intake.
2. Keep a tally sheet and check it off when you finish a bottle.
3. Set an ongoing alarm on your phone.
4. Make it a habit to drink a glass or two as soon as you wake up (or warm     
    lemon water).
5. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times.
6. Infuse your water with citrus or regular fruits to change the flavor.
7. Drink a glass of water BEFORE you eat.

**** And talk to your PHARMACIST or doctor about your medications because there are many medications that can cause increased thirst.

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