Sunday, June 18, 2017

What I Learned During the Hardest Workouts of My Life

It’s been a little bit since I’ve just written a blog to share my thoughts and part of my journey.  And since I just survived the hardest week of fitness that I’ve ever experienced, I decided that it’s time for me to get back to blogging about each step of my journey.

I’ve known about Shaun Week for a couple months.  The Beachbody community has been so excited for this fitness event since they made the announcement.  Most of my fellow Coaches have been talking about it for weeks.  I, on the other hand, was not excited about it.  The thought of Shaun Week scared me and made me want to stay as far away from it as I could.  Shaun Week was advertised as a 7 day, ultimate sweat for your life workout event, exclusive to Beachbody On Demand.

I’ll start from the beginning of my history with Shaun T.  I completed Shaun T’s 10 week workout program a few years ago, T25.  That one was hard for me because I’m not a big fan of fast paced cardio, jumping, athletic type or agility type exercises.  My favorite part of his program was listening to him during each workout.  He has a special way to motivate, encourage, push, inspire, yell a little and bring SO much out of each person during each workout.  When I finished that program I had decided that I probably wouldn’t do any of his other programs, because just the name insanity scares me!  You might also know him from his Insanity workouts!

So, when I heard about Shaun Week, I just knew that it would be too difficult for me and had decided that I wasn’t going to even attempt it.  

But me, being who I am, just could not miss out on this event!  I decided Monday morning, day 1 of the event, that I was going for it!  No matter how hard, no matter how much I had to modify, no matter how much I pressed pause, no matter what. 

So I began day 1 Monday – the first workout was titled Insane Basics – I was scared and immensely excited all at the same time.  I’m not going to lie, this workout was hard, I pressed pause a few times, I modified some of the exercises, BUT I completed the workout for day 1!  And I felt so strong, empowered and reinvigorated to take this week and make the most of it! 

And each day this week, even with workout names like Pure Cardio, Insane Weights, Ripsanity, Speed 4.0 and Dig Deep, I survived each workout!  What’s most important is that none of these workouts were perfect.  I know I pressed pause at least once each day.  I definitely used modified exercises some of the time.  

BUT this week, imperfections and all, has changed me.  Working out, struggling, sweating, breathing hard, muscles burning, mind focused.  All with Shaun T motivating, encouraging, pushing and yelling in my ear.  

It’s a perfect storm for life changing, mindset shifting, body changing, confidence boosting, strength building, plateau busting and no-nonsense action taking.  

Each workout finished this week helped me dig deeper, feel stronger, more focused, more challenged, more tested, more capable and more confident.
Exercise changed my life years ago.  Exercise continues to change me every single day.  

Shaun WEEK, the entire 7 day event, can change you!
You have the opportunity to complete the entire 7 days of Shaun WEEK for FREE!  As well as access to every single Beachbody Workout Program during a 14 day free trial!  

Click the picture below (OR CLICK HERE) to sign up for the 14 DAY FREE TRIAL!
** Follow directions on the screen once you've clicked the link above, then choose the option on bottom right for free 14 day trial.  OR you can GO ALL IN WITH ME and purchase the Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack on the top left!

If you have any questions at all, please email me at

** This offer is available to those not already working with a Beachbody Coach.  If you’re working with a Beachbody Coach, please contact them for help.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Stop Storing FAT 5 Day FREE Challenge

You know those feelings that rush over you when you are able to pinch more skin on your body than before?

You know those feelings when you start to have love handles that you’ve not seen in a while?

You know those feelings of failure, frustration and doubt when the nutrition plan that you were once successful with is no longer working?

You know those feelings of defeat when you’re working out harder than ever before but not seeing the results that you want to see?

How amazing would it feel to NOT be able to pinch an inch?

How amazing would it feel if your thighs didn’t jiggle so much?

How amazing would it feel to have more energy?

I knew when I could pinch more skin on my waist than usual that something had to change.  I’ve usually been able to keep my waist and stomach fairly slim, but lately it’s been much more difficult, and isn’t really working out well for me.  I’ve always struggled with holding weight in my thighs – you know those thunder thighs that some of us have.  Well, lately my thighs have not been fitting into my jeans as well as they once were!  My whole midsection has been changing as I’m enjoying my mid-30’s!

All of these reasons above are EXACTLY why I’ve been experimenting a little with my own nutrition and learning about fat storage, our metabolism and how we can begin to make changes happen. 

Because of all the experimenting and learning, I’ve realized that I HAVE to share this information with you!  

It IS possible for us to STOP STORING FAT!

During the STOP STORING FAT 5 DAY FREE CHALLENGE, I will share with you:

- How nutrition, fat intake and the types of food we eat effects our body’s ability to burn fat.

- How exercise and the different types of exercise effect our metabolism and fat burning potential.

- How our daily eating patterns and how often we eat will change our body’s ability to burn fat.

- How our gut health effects our fat storage and metabolism.

- How support and accountability will impact our success.

ALL of THIS will be happening online in my Empowered Intentionally Facebook Community beginning Monday June 12th!

Here’s what you need to do to JOIN the STOP STORING FAT 5 DAY FREE CHALLENGE: 

1. Complete this form by clicking HERE (I will email you during the challenge)

2. JOIN the Empowered Intentionally Facebook Community!  This is where all of the content and daily videos will be posted.  Click  HERE to join.

3. Invite your friends by sharing this blog post!