Saturday, March 25, 2017

How to Get Back On Track With Fitness and Nutrition After a Slip

I spent too many years beating myself up over not eating perfectly and or missing workouts.  I’ve now found solutions to simplify my nutrition and simplify my fitness. Most importantly I’ve worked through what held me stuck for so long and kept me unhappy even though I thought I was eating healthy and doing all of the right things. 

I’ll share a little background to help you understand a little more about why I spent so many years beating myself up over how I ate, exercised and looked.  That constant battle with myself stemmed from being overweight as a young person and feeling all of the feelings that come along with being unhappy with myself.  Struggling with eating disorders during my teenage years.  Thinking of exercise as punishment for food slip-ups.  Struggling with my weight, being completely unhappy with how I looked and so overwhelmed with all of life and the busyness during college and at the beginning of my pharmacy career.

Now, enough about that!  Let’s talk about the positive changes and habits that I’ve adopted over the last few years.

Over the last few years, I’ve been able to make a complete shift in how I think of nutrition and fitness.  This shift in mindset has given me the freedom to enjoy life, enjoy healthy eating and enjoy workouts all so much more than I ever have before.  This mindset, along with Beachbody tools, helped me lose 35 pounds almost 3 years ago with my initial transformation.  I’ve been able to sustain that weight loss all these years by living the 90/10 (sometimes 80/20) lifestyle, exercising with at home Beachbody workout programs, eating clean food, taking Shakeology daily and adhering to proper portion sizes.  

When I do have a treat meal, treat snack or miss a workout, no longer do I beat myself up.  I’m in a place now where I’m able to enjoy the treat then just move on and get myself right back on track with nutrition and fitness.

I’ve given myself the freedom to be flexible with my eating. 

Here are a few tips and habits that help me get back on track with either my nutrition or fitness. 

1.  Know that everyone sometimes gets off track and gets stuck.  DECIDE to get unstuck.
2.  Forgive yourself for the slip.
3.  Refresh your health and fitness goals.
4.  Recommit to these refreshed health and fitness goals.
5.  Schedule your workouts for each day of the week (or at least 5 days!).  And think of this time as an appointment FOR YOURSELF!  Exercise is our best mood booster!
6.  Decide to eat healthy 80% to 90% of the time this week.  BUT also know that it’s still ok to have a treat meal.  I’m a firm believer in allowing a treat!
7.  Plan each meal this week.  Simple meals are the easiest for most of us which means that we’re more likely to cook and prep the simple meals.
8.  Drink more water to immediately feel better and to continue to feel better.
9.  Drink a glass of warm lemon water each morning to help with digestion and hydration.
10.  Surround yourself with people who are also striving to be healthier.  These people will be your biggest support system.
11.  Simplify the process of being healthy and set yourself up for success.

Perfection is no longer a goal of mine.  

Progress.  Steady, daily progress with my nutrition, fitness and health are my goals now.  I use simple nutrition solutions and simple fitness solutions from Beachbody to help me each day.  No matter how busy I am or how much stress my career as a pharmacists adds into my day, I’ve learned how to allow my health to be a priority.

As a Coach and support partner, I’m also able to share these simple tools with other busy professionals who are trying to balance their own health among ALL of the other responsibilities.

I’ve created a free Facebook community of other amazing professional women who are also working each day to balance their own health with everything else in life.  I share simple tools, solutions and tips that I’ve used throughout my journey to help us all have are happiest, healthiest lives (even while we’re super busy!).

If you would like to join our community, I’ll be sending out all of the details on how to join our community, via email, in my first Prescription for Health Newsletter!  Click below to sign up for the newsletter!

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Does Sleep Effect Our Weight?

Sleep impacts SO much related to our health.  Especially our weight and hormones.  Click the picture below to learn more!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Wellness to Win the Day 5 Day Challenge

Wellness to Win the Day FREE 5 Day Challenge

Our health and wellness are literally some of the most important components of our lives.  Before we can take care of anyone else, we must first take care of ourselves.

As a pharmacist, I know what it feels like to let my own health suffer because of my career and wanting to be sure that I’m taking care of my patients at the pharmacy.  But I’ve also realized that if I’m not feeling my best, I’m not able to take care of others as well as I would like to.  And when I’m not my healthiest, everything else in life is affected.

During the Wellness to Win the Day, we will be focusing on our own health and wellness.  This is where it all starts – with US.  Our own health must come first before we can take care of others.

During this challenge, we will be talking about:
- Mindset shifts to build confidence
- Fitness
- Nutrition
- Rest and recovery
- Sleep and brain health

You will also be given a super fun daily tracker (in PDF form) to help you stay accountable to yourself and your own health!

We begin Monday March 13th and all of the fun will be happening in our Facebook community.

Here’s all that you need to do to join us:
Click below to complete your registration, then you will receive an email with more instructions for joining us in our closed Facebook community.

Click HERE to sign up & join us

*** This challenge is open to those not already working with a Beachbody Coach AND my current customers and Coaches.  If you’re already working with a Coach, please reach out to them about challenges that they might be hosting.  Thanks for understanding!

Saturday, March 11, 2017

What Does Winning the Day Look Like to You?

What does winning the day look like to you?

Are you overwhelmed with ALL of the things that you feel like you need to do every single day?  
Do you ever feel like you’re not accomplishing enough during your day?  

Each day we all have those things that we must do, then when we add on those things that we want to do, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed.  And at the end of the day, when we’re not able to do all these things, it’s so very easy to feel disappointed in ourselves and to feel like we’re not enough.

Before I began practicing as a pharmacist, I was pretty good at setting goals and keeping my to-do list focused.  BUT once I began practicing all of this changed.  I honestly believe that over the last 10 years (I can’t believe I’ve been practicing this long!) my brain has literally re-wired itself into a sort of survival mode to make it through each work day.  There are so many different tasks to do and interruptions constantly throughout the work day, and all of these things are on top of the concentration required to ensure I’m keeping my patient’s safe with their medications.  With my career in retail, I’m constantly interrupted and taken away from the tasks at hand, so my brain has adapted to survive these conditions.  And this constant state of alert has lead my brain to re-set and process information from all different areas and jump from one task to the next very quickly.

A few months ago I realized that I’m a bit like a squirrel, in a wheel, running, doing things, being distracted and not quite getting anywhere!  I’ve allowed my “work brain” to take over my “off work brain”.  And I’ve been trying to do all of the things, all of the time, without actually finishing one thing before moving into the next.  

And poor Burney for watching this, right?!?  The partially completed “projects” throughout the house, the in-process organization projects, and so much more!  All of these things he’s so patient with and doesn’t say a word about – he’s so good to me!  
When I finally admitted to myself that I’m a total shiny object person, sometimes with a squirrel brain who wants to finish all the things, I realized that I have to get this under control for my own brain health.

This is the exact reason that I created a physical piece of paper that will help keep me focused on a few tasks each day.  I’m a total pen & paper person.  This is the perfect way for me to stay accountable with myself and actually finish things! 

On this journal page, I’ve included a section with 5 goals for the day. (because we all know that we can’t accomplish 20 things in each day!)  Staying focused on a few important goals each day helps me accomplish more and feel successful as well. 

I’ve also included a section in this Win Your Day journal page that reminds me to acknowledge what I’m grateful for each day AND to celebrate what I’ve accomplished (OR helped others accomplish) throughout the day.

AND I’m super excited to share this journal page with all of you!!  I know that this will help keep you focused and on task throughout the day!!  I would love to email you a PDF of this journal page so that you can print and use this each day!

AND feel free to share this blog post with ANYONE who you know would also benefit from this journal page!  

Here’s what you need to do.  Click this picture link below to be taken to a webpage where you will give me your name & email.  Then I’ll automatically email you the PDF file and you can begin using this journal page right away!