Sunday, November 27, 2016

Finish Healthier, Finish Stronger Project

The month of December & the entire Christmas season is such a wonderful time of year! BUT this time of year can also be stressful, super busy and emotionally draining. All of these reasons and so much more can cause us to lose our joy, allow our health to be less important and can cause us to feel even more stressed and tired.

I'm beginning the {{{ Finish Healthier, Finish Stronger Project }}} for a couple reasons. This is my most stressful time for me as a pharmacist because my pharmacy is steadily busy with sickness during this season. During this time of year it's very easy for me to become so stressed and tired that I begin to just go through the motions, lose focus on my health and not enjoy this amazing Christmas season.  And this season I don’t want to lose focus on my personal health goals, have too many treats or feel like I’ve failed!  

I know that challenge groups work!  I’ve experienced personal success with the help of challenge groups and have watched my challengers have amazing success!

And because I know that there are a few other ladies who are feeling as though they've lost their focus on health, are feeling the stress of the season and the overwhelm during this time of year, this project is for ALL of us who need to feel healthier and feel stronger to finish this year with a bang!

The last month of this year shouldn't be our most unhealthy month, is should be our healthiest! This way we can end out the year feeling amazing, feeling strong and having so much more energy to start the new year off strong!

This project is ALL about our health, strength, happiness and how good we feel! For 31 days, we will focus on what brings us joy, what keeps us healthy and what makes us feel good.

You will have me as your Coach for complete support, encouragement and inspiration each day to continue this health journey through the busiest time of year.  You will also have the support of our challenge group, your virtual fit family!  We’ll all check into the group once per day during the challenge.

During this project we will resolve to use the last 31 days of the year to set goals and focus on being healthier and feeling better. We’re going to end 2016 healthier and stronger than when we started. AND we’re going to start 2017 ahead of the game! 

You will have a complete at home fitness program to make fitness simple & fun with workouts you can do anytime from home. As your coach, I will help you decide which program is perfect for you based on your goals.

You will have a complete nutrition guide to help you begin or continue clean eating with the healthiest food choices. And as a thank you for allowing me to be your Coach and purchasing a challenge pack, I will give you the Fixate cookbook full of 100 healthy, simple recipes.

You will be given holiday strategies and tips to stay on track with your own health & fitness while still enjoying the Christmas season with family & friends. December is a month full of parties, treats, drinks and temptations but we can still be healthy and feel our best.

You will have a supplement with superior nutrition that will be one simple meal that you don't have to think about each day. This is a supplement that I wholeheartedly believe in and have used each day for the last 3 years.

You will be given sample meal plans to simplify your busy weeks with simple, tasty recipes that everyone will enjoy.

You will be virtually surrounded by amazing women in a private group who are also focusing on what brings them joy while striving to be as healthy and feel as good as possible. 

Are you ready to finish healthier?

Are you ready to feel your best?

Are you ready to finish stronger?

Let's get started together! I have the privilege of coaching you through your health & fitness journey and cannot wait to begin with you on December 1st!

This is what I’m asking from you:

-- Commit to your fitness with daily workouts (many are only 30 minutes and we can all find time for that!)
-- Commit to your health by eating healthier, eating real food and having one shake per day as a meal that’s simple, quick and gives you one less meal to plan!
-- Commit to checking into the private group at least once per day in our challenge tracker app.
-- Commit to having fun, feeling amazing, having more energy and forgiving yourself when everything doesn’t go as planned!  Because no one’s health & fitness journey is perfect!

This is what you will receive from me:

-- We will discuss your goals for the next 30 days and how I can help you succeed.
-- I will give you suggestions for meal plans and healthy recipes.
-- You will have a complete nutrition guide. We know that nutrition is responsible for 80% of our results!
-- You will be plugged into a private community of strong, inspiring and supportive people on a mission to live healthier and feel better. This group will be your daily support system!
-- I will also give you healthy holiday recipes along with strategies and tips to make this the healthiest December yet!
-- You will also receive a free gift from me when you commit to this challenge by purchasing a challenge pack through my link.  This gift is the Fixate cookbook full of over 100 healthy, simple recipes that everyone will love!

Here's what you need to do:

1. Set me as your free Coach (if I'm not already your Coach) by clicking this link to set up your account. (If you're already working a Beachbody Coach contact them.  This group is only for my current customers or Coaches and those not already working with a Coach.) 
Make me YOUR Coach

2. Email me at kristinratliffhealth@gmail.comso we can begin talking about the best fitness program for you based on your goals. You'll need to purchase a challenge pack from me and I'll be able to give you that information when we decide which program is best for you.

3. Invite your friends because this is all so much more fun with friends!

4. This one is super important! GET EXCITED for this journey!! You're going to feel amazing and finish out this year healthier & stronger!

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