Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Transformation from Core De Force!

You know when you just know?  When you just know that you need a change?  Something to push you out of your comfort zone?  Something to push you to be stronger?  

These last 30 days have absolutely been my push, my reminder that change is good and the confidence booster that I most definitely needed.  I can see how my body has transformed over the last 30 days, but most importantly I’ve can feel how my mental strength has transformed.  THIS is what makes me excited, energized and ready to go for more!

If you want to read more about the Core De Force program, click here for my other post explaining more details of the program.

What I’m most excited about from the last 30 days with Core De Force are the NON-SCALE victories!  

In 30 days, with Core De Force workouts, the nutrition guide with clean eating (THIS IS KEY!!) and Shakeology every single day, I’m excited with all that I’ve accomplished.  I’m also excited with how good I FEEL physically and emotionally!  Before I share my results, remember that we had Thanksgiving day & weekend to deal with while I completed my first round of workouts ;-) 

I’ve experienced an emotional transformation like no other workout before.  These workouts make me feel empowered, strong, more confident and more mentally focused each day.  These types of workouts absolutely increase the endorphin release and literally make me feel happier!   

Then there’s the actual body transformation that I’ve seen.  I’m physically stronger because of the body weight strength training from this program.  Muscles in my arms and back are most definitely more defined and that makes me so excited!  My upper body strength has always been weak, but this program has helped me gain upper body strength.  My leg muscles are also more defined and I didn’t expect this!  AND as you can see in the picture below, the back of my thighs are less cottage cheesy!!  YAY!     I have new muscle peeking out all around my core that really makes me happy!  I can feel that my core is stronger because with each workout, I can do a little more, twist a little more, I have more power in my punches and kicks and more core strength during push-ups.   My coordination has improved because of the kicking and punching combinations in the mixed martial arts workouts.  

Now, let’s talk about the inches that I lost with this program. 

Waist – 1 inch GONE
Hips – 1 inch GONE
Abductors – 2 and ½ inches GONE
Thighs – ½ inch off each thigh for a total of 1 inch GONE

I know exactly what has helped me have SUCCESS with this program!

1. Clean eating with the nutrition guide and correct balance of types of foods included in Core De Force.  
2. Shakeology!  Every. Single. Day!
3. Portion Control because even when we eat clean, we can still overeat. 
4. Super EFFECTIVE workouts that combine mixed martial arts and strength training.
5. SUPPORT from my challenge group to keep me on track, accountable and focused.

All of these results are the reason that I’m going in for round 2!!  I started round 2 today!  And I cannot wait to see what’s going to happen over the next 30 days! 

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