Tuesday, April 4, 2017

THE Game Changer for Your Health and Fitness

Spring into Fitness Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack Special to End ALL Specials!
I’m STILL in shock about Beachbody’s biggest special ever released!

I’m so super excited to share this with you all because it’s the most amazing deal in the history of Beachbody and quite frankly the most amazing deal in all of the health industry.  

I’m also super excited to share this with you all because this special will help us all continue our health and fitness journey by eliminating the excuse of not knowing which program to do next.  We have to flexibility to choose different programs based on our current fitness level and our current needs!

AND I’m super excited because this special will allow us to continue to see results with our health and fitness because we’ll be able to change up our workouts regularly to keep our muscles guessing and continually changing!  

This is a complete game-changer for ALL of our health and fitness!  The Spring Into Health Special will literally simplify the 2 most important components of our health journey.  Fitness AND Nutrition!  This All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack is HOW it will all begin for you OR where you’ll up your commitment to your health.

What is Beachbody On Demand?
Beachbody on Demand is our streaming online subscription service that give you access to Beachbody workout programs, program manuals, nutrition guides for each program, nutrition tips, exclusive trainer tips, workout calendars (each program is planned for you making it super simple!) and the exclusive Fixate cooking show.  You can stream workouts from any device with wi-fi or internet; a computer, tablet, phone, smart tv or using Roku & Amazon Firestick.

I’ve been using Beachbody On Demand for over a year now.  It’s the perfect solution because we don’t have to buy new workout programs.  When we complete one program, all we have to do is log into our On Demand account and choose another program, without buying anything else!  That’s the most exciting part, we don’t have to continually buy more programs!  We can continue to see results with our fitness because we can continually complete programs and move on to the next. 

It’s perfect when traveling because we don’t have to pack individual DVDs, everything is online and easy to access.  Super simple for those of us who enjoy traveling!

Why is the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack such an amazing tool for our health and fitness?
Everything that we need to begin our health journey OR continue our journey is right at our fingertips, literally.  We have access to every single workout program ever created by Beachbody.  AND will have access to all of the new programs being released for the entire 12 months.  

The access to all of our programs will be a game changer for our fitness journey because when we complete one program, we don’t have to buy another.  All we have to do is log into our account and choose our next program.  So there’s no more stalling and waiting to decide what to do next – those excuses are eliminated because everything is available to us.

Another HUGE benefit to Beachbody On Demand is the flexibility of being able to try all of our workouts without buying each program.  You’ll be able to see if the program is too hard for you, not challenging enough for you or just not what you expected.  Then, you get to decide which workout you’ll do based on what you enjoy!  There’s no buying the DVD set, not loving it, being stuck with it or having to return it and wait for your next program!

We also have access to our Fixate cooking show for simple, healthy recipes that fit perfectly into a healthy eating lifestyle.  This helps us simplify nutrition for ourselves and gives us so many new recipe ideas that aren’t complicated.  The Fixate cooking show helps you navigate each programs nutrition guide and apply the clean eating principles to your lifestyle. 

Our subscription to Beachbody On Demand begins with the challenge pack purchase, and remains active for 12 full months without us having to pay anything else for the subscription.  That’s exciting, right?  We purchase once, and have 12 months of access to every workout we could ever want!

What is the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge pack?
This challenge pack includes your full 12 month membership to Beachbody On Demand, your first month of Shakeology (a 30 day supply) AND our Portion Fix system.  ALL of this for ONLY $160 during the month of April.  I know, this is an amazing price!

What is Shakeology?  Why do I need it?
Your first month of Shakeology is included in this All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge pack.  I’m a huge advocate for Shakeology as a pharmacist and a loyal shake drinker for over 3 years.  I’ve seen amazing benefits with my own health since beginning Shakeology.  Initially Shakeology was a solution for my crazy busy work days at the pharmacy because I don’t always have time to stop and eat.  It still keeps me from starving during the non-stop work day.  

Shakeology was also my solution because I knew that I wasn’t eating enough or supplying my body with enough nutrients – this became my simple solution to fuel by body with clean, whole nutrition.  After a few weeks of beginning Shakeology, I realized all of the benefits – my cravings were decreasing, my digestion was better, my skin and hair looked better because my body was being nourished, I had more energy because my body was getting the fuel it had been lacking and I felt so much better.  Since that first bag over 3 years ago, I’ve never looked back!  This will be nutritional solution for me for the rest of my life.

What is the Portion Fix system?  Why do I need it?
Nutrition is where our results start.  Once I finally decided that I had to take a good look at what I was eating and how much I was eating, I began to see changes and results that I’d been working so hard to see.  Even with healthy eating, we need to be mindful of our portions.  This Portion Fix system takes all of the guess work out of knowing how much of each type of food to eat.  This is how I’ve been eating for a few years now and maintaining my initial 35 pound weight loss.

What will I do as your Coach?
My commitment to you as your Coach is quite simple.  I’m here to help you make the most of your investment and actually see results, to help you simplify this journey and to help you stay connected with a support system.  With your investment in yourself with this challenge pack purchase, you will have me as your Coach.  My job as your Coach is to support, to encourage, to remind you why you’re worth the effort and to share tips to make your journey simpler.

With this challenge pack purchase, if you choose, you will have access to my complete Project: Priority YOU program.  This Project: Priority YOU program includes everything you’ve just read about, as well as so much more!  

Here are the bonuses included with your All-Access Challenge Pack Purchase:

1. You will have access to me through a private support and accountability group beginning April 17th and lasting for 30 days.  As well as support from other busy, successful, smart women who are making their health a priority.  

2. You will be given my Batch Meal Prep guide created to make meal prepping simple and quick.  I don’t love to cook all the time, this guide will help you meal prep in batches so that you always have something healthy to eat prepped and ready to go and you’re not in the kitchen all the time.

3. You will be given a journal page pdf download that I created because I’ve believe that journaling each day makes this journey much easier.  Writing down our goals for each day, successes of each day, what we’re grateful for, tracking our fitness, tracking our nutrition and tracking our water is so powerful to keep us motivated and moving forward with our progress.

4. You will be given a guide with my favorite tracking apps.  Tracking sleep, activity and nutrition helps us see our progress and feel more accomplished during our journey.      

If you’re ready to purchase this super special deal that will change your health and fitness FOREVER, here are 2 different choices and the links for you!

Click HERE for the All-Access Beachbody On Demand Challenge Pack

Click HERE for the All-Access Beachbody On Demand + Kickstart Challenge Pack
This will give you the extra kick start with the 3 Day Refresh!

If you have any questions for me, email me at kristinratliffhealth@gmail.com.

Once you've decided that this is the game-changer that you want in your health and fitness journey, use the links above to order and complete the form below!


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