Sunday, February 28, 2016

Are Processed Foods Really Bad For Us?

I LOVE sharing about preventing disease and I LOVE sharing about the importance of nutrition and clean eating.  Today I've been creating a presentation on healthy nutrition and clean eating to share with a new audience.  And of course I wanted to share with you guys too!  

Are processed foods really that bad for us?  What does processed foods do to our bodies?


This list will awaken a desire to limit & eliminate processed foods from our diets.

Eating foods that are processed and that lack nutrients will cause our bodies to be undernourished and crave more food.  Eating nutrient dense foods should be our goal.

1. Processed foods are highly addictive.  Our bodies process these “fake” foods differently and the foods cause an excess production of the brain chemical dopamine.  Dopamine causes you to feel pleasure which in turn causes you to crave and want more junk foods.

2. Processed foods contain phosphates that can destroy organs & bones.  Phosphates are additives used to improve taste, texture and shelf life.

3. Fresh foods are actually cheaper than processed foods.

4. Processed foods cause chronic inflammation.  Studies continue to show that refined sugars, processed flours, vegetable oils and many other ingredients cause inflammation.  Inflammation is a natural process of the body and is the immune systems solution to protect areas that are injured.  Chronic ingestion of processed foods leads to over-stimulation of the immune system, chronic inflammation and damage to healthy tissues.  

5. Processed foods ruin digestion.  Because they have been stripped of their natural fibers, enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients, they will cause harm in the digestive system.  Processed foods throw our internal ecosystem off balance and deplete the good bacteria in our gut. 

6. Processed foods destroy your mind.  Studies have linked chronic consumption of processed foods with brain “fog”, difficulty concentrating and difficulty thinking normally.  Nutrient-dense whole foods can help level out your moods, sustain energy levels and leave you feeling more calm.

7.  Processed foods are loaded with genetically-modified organisms.

8. Processed foods are loaded with pesticides.  Even breakfast cereals have been shown to have pesticide chemicals.

9. Processed foods are not actually food.  Your body will still be hungry and will gain NO nutrients from the processed foods. 

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