Tuesday, August 4, 2015

All about Fiber

Fiber, literally keeps the world regular!  And you can call me a fiber advocate!  I have many conversations with my patients at the pharmacy about types of fiber supplements, how much fiber we should have each day and how to get more fiber.  Many medications can affect our regularity and upset our digestive systems which causes side effects for my patients.  Most of us know that we all should be eating more fiber, but not everyone understands exactly how much of a benefit fiber is to our bodies.
First let’s, start with the two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. 

Soluble fiber dissolves into a gel-like substance that slows the absorption of food and allows your body to absorb more nutrients.  Soluble fiber is found in beans, oats, lentils, flaxseed, psyllium husks, citrus fruits, apples, cucumbers and carrots. 

Insoluble fiber does not dissolve and passes through the GI tract and speeds up the passing of foods and wastes.  This fiber helps to remove toxins from the colon, balances intestine acidity and helps to keep us regular.  Insoluble fiber is found in whole wheat, nuts, brown rice, cauliflower, zucchini, green beans, dark green leafy vegetables and the skin of fruits and most root vegetables.

Our bodies need both types of fiber (and adequate fluid intake because soluble fiber absorbs water) to keep our digestive systems functioning properly and able to digest foods as they move along the digestive tract.  Fiber helps us feel full longer and may help with weight loss.  Another VERY important function of fiber is to slow the absorption of sugar into our bloodstream therefore preventing blood sugar spikes.
Studies have shown that a high fiber diet may help to prevent diabetes, heart disease and obesity.  That’s reason enough for me to eat a diet high in fiber!
Second, it’s important to know how much fiber we should be eating each day.  Women should eat at least 25 grams per day and men should eat at least 35 grams per day.
If you’re wondering how you can increase your fiber intake, you have a couple options.  Your first goal should be to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits that you eat each day.  This will give you both types of fiber, naturally.  You can also supplement with powder fiber products available over the counter such as Metamucil or generic brands (this would be soluble fiber). 

Some of the highest fiber foods are split peas, lentils, black beans, lima beans, artichokes, green peas, broccoli, brussles sprouts, turnip greens, raspberries, blackberries, avocado, pears, apples, banana, oranges, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, chia seeds, flaxseeds, nuts

A tip from your pharmacist:  If you decide to increase the amount of fiber you’re eating each day, start increasing slowly to avoid some of the common side effects such as gas, bloating and cramping.  And make sure that you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

As a health professional, I choose the most natural supplementation by eating plenty of vegetables and a couple servings of fruits each day.  I also have 6 grams of all-natural fiber in my daily Shakeology.  And now I’m adding a Shakeology Digestive Health Boost to my shake each day for an additional 7 grams of BOTH types of fiber.  Other supplements only have soluble fiber but the Shakeology Boost has both types of fiber.  And it is important to me that I do not use products with preservatives or unnecessary chemicals.  This is one of the reasons that I believe in Shakeology and the new Shakeology Digestive Health Boost.   I realize that my health is too important to take just any supplement, so I choose Shakeology.  And I will be totally honest, I would never be able to find and eat the types of foods in Shakeology and Shakeology Boost.  The ingredients are sourced from the absolute best places around the world and are the most nutrient dense foods known to mankind. And I don’t exaggerate when I say that.

If you have any questions about fiber, Shakeology or the new Shakeology Boosts, comment below or email me at kristingator@gmail.com.

To see more information about Shakeology Boost Digestive Health, Click HERE

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