Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Formula for Success With Your Fitness Program

Before I took time to learn about nutrition; I thought that eating less was all it took to lose weight.  I knew that I was exercising, so I believed that I could out-exercise my poor diet.  I’ve been working out since I was a young teenager, but I had never been able to feel comfortable in my own skin, and I had never been satisfied with results from my exercise routine.  So I just thought that this was how my body was going to look no matter what.  I needed to exercise even more to make tiny changes, and I always felt defeated with my progress.  I was eating healthy foods such as lean meats, fruits, nuts, & veggies, but I was also eating a ton of processed foods and sugar-loaded foods.

I realized that it wasn’t normal to always feel sluggish, tired and have no energy. I had tried P90X and T25 from Beachbody – and I’m ashamed to say that I never once opened the nutrition guides for either while I was completing the programs.  Each Beachbody plan comes with a guide developed by nutritionists to give you all the tools you need to have amazing resultsHowever, my mind wasn’t all in, and I never committed nutritionally.  I had only committed to the workouts.

Then, almost a year ago I decided that I had to change - I had to do what it took to feel better.  I began the PiYo program and I went ALL IN with this program.  I told myself that this was the program that would change my life.  And oh boy, how it did!  I committed to the nutrition plan and the workouts and completed 2 rounds of PiYo last year.  I also committed to learning more about nutrition and clean eating.  I used the 21 Day Fix nutrition guidelines for a simple method to keep track of my servings and portions.   I was absolutely shocked at the results after just 4 months. 

I had learned the magic formula – clean eating with proper portions and awesome workout programs.  This was all it took to make me look feel better than I had ever felt and to feel comfortable in my own skin.

What did I learn from Beachbody’s nutrition guides included with PiYo & 21 Day Fix and the Clean Eating guidelines from Tosca Reno?  I learned that I must fuel my body with proper nutrition, in appropriate amounts and correct portions to keep my body running efficiently.  I had been sabotaging myself with poor nutrition filling up on processed and sugar-loaded foods, and I had been sabotaging myself by not eating enough each day.

When we don’t fuel our bodies with sufficient nutrition; we are hurting ourselves.  The lack of nutritious food causes our bodies to go into defensive mode in an effort to prevent damage from the literal starvation.  When our body thinks that we are starving; the first thing it will do is hold on to fat.  Then it will slow our metabolism down in an effort to conserve energy and conserve our fat stores.  So the body is literally deprived of sufficient nutrition and it tries to save itself.  Then, if you add exercise into the mix without proper nutrition - the vicious cycle becomes worse because exercise taxes our bodies even more.

I am by no means perfect, and I still have my treats & cheats.  But at this point in my journey I’ve learned how good I can feel with proper nutrition & exercise, so my treats are limited, and I stay focused on my goals.

We must eat enough healthy, clean food to fuel our bodies with nutrition to sustain a healthy metabolism.  The key is to eat as clean as possible in the proper portion sizes.  It’s eating as few processed foods as possible and less sugar-loaded foods that make the difference.

This is part of what I teach in my monthly challenge groups.  I teach about clean eating guidelines and proper portion sizes.  I also use these groups to help motivate and encourage each person to stick to their exercise and nutrition commitments.  It’s a support group that will help each person reach their goals.  It is the perfect addition to your at home fitness and nutrition plan to help you meet your goals and stay there.  

If this support group sounds like something that will help you, I would love to have you join my next group!

Click this link and sign up to have me as your FREE Coach
I want Kristin as my Free Team Beachbody Coach

Once I'm set as your Coach,  email me at and I will be in touch.  We will choose the perfect program to get you to your goals.
Choose a Challenge Pack here

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