Tuesday, December 9, 2014

How to Boost Your Immune System

Winter is upon us as well as cold and flu season.  With the cooler weather, germs spread more easily because we are cooped up indoors more.  This causes us to be in contact with more bacteria and viruses.  We can help to boost our immune systems and allow our “natural army” to defend our bodies against bacteria and viruses.  Our immune systems are complicated.  Because there are so many cells involved in the immune response, it is difficult to study scientifically and prove results.  But the medical community agrees that there are positive links between a healthy lifestyle and a stronger immune system.

The first line of defense is to choose a healthy lifestyle.  A truly healthy lifestyle allows our immune system to function more effectively.

Here are a few healthy lifestyle choices:

·        Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and low in saturated fat.  A healthy, well-balanced diet will nourish our bodies and help our bodies function at peak levels.
·        Exercise regularly
·        Maintain a healthy weight
·        Control your blood pressure
·        If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation
·        Get adequate sleep
·        Reduce stress
·        Wash your hands frequently/use hand sanitizer and clean surfaces that you touch frequently
·        Don’t smoke

Stress and Our Immune System

There is a link between both types of stress and our immune systems; either can have negative effects on our bodies.  One type of stress is physical stress.  Examples of physical stressors towards our bodies are lack of exercise, lack of sleep, obesity, chronic pain, physical injury, chronic illness.  The other type of stress is psychological or emotional stress.  This can be anything that emotionally causes you to feel stressed or anxious, either short-term or long-term.  Any of these stressors can cause every system in our bodies to perform at lower levels.  And stress causes excessive cortisol levels in our bodies – cortisol is the “stress hormone”.  Excessive cortisol levels will weaken our immune systems.

How can we lower stress?

1.  Regular physical activity can help to “burn up” excess cortisol levels
2.  Meditation – simply taking about 10 deep breaths will help you body and brain relax, lower heart rate, lower blood pressure and decrease cortisol.
3.  Laughter reduces cortisol levels
4.  Listening to music can lower cortisol levels.

Exercise and our Immune System

Regular exercise is a necessity for healthy living.  It improves cardiovascular health, lowers blood pressure, helps control body weight and keeps our immune systems functioning at peak levels.  Exercise also promotes good circulation, which allows the cells of the immune system to move through the body more efficiently and function more efficiently.

Probiotics and our Immune System

Prebiotics act as the “food” that fuels the growth of probiotics (the good bacteria) that are naturally found in our intestines.  Probiotics help our bodies absorb nutrients and minerals and help keep our digestive system functioning properly.  Probiotics improve intestinal function and help with digestion.
About 70% of the cells that make up our immune system are found in the wall of our intestines.  Supplementing the amount of probiotics in our intestines helps to boost our immune system’s ability to stay healthy and fight infection.  The good bacteria challenge our immune system to keep it strong.

Over the Counter Products and Immune Systems

As a pharmacist, I have questions from patients every day about how to boost immune systems to prevent and treat colds and flu.  We have so many products marketed as immune boosters and it can be confusing for patients.  Scientific evidence is not concrete but some benefit has been shown with a few products.  Products such as zinc and vitamin C have the most evidence supporting their use as immune boosters.  They are used to prevent sickness and lessen the severity of sickness.

**How do I stay healthy?  I’m in contact every day with patients who are sick and I cannot remember the last time that I was sick.  I wash my hands all day long and clean surfaces that people come into contact with.  I only use my own pens to write with and I keep my phones clean with sanitizing wipes.  I exercise regularly.  I eat healthy to nourish my body and support it’s functioning.  I also drink Shakeology EVERY DAY to ensure that I am providing my body with dense nutrition, vitamins, minerals and probiotics.

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