Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Coaching is Changing My Life and Team Rx Health Can Change Your Life

You're going to want to read this until the end! It's exciting!

My journey as a Beachbody Coach began strictly with my personal goals of becoming healthier, feeling better, being comfortable in my own skin and enjoying life. I knew that being a Coach would help keep me accountable to my own health & fitness goals. What I didn’t know at that time was that I would be immersed in the most supportive, encouraging environment. A community of supportive, like-minded people who care about the well-being of others and strive to lift each other to success. I also didn’t realize, 17 months ago, that I had made a LIFE CHANGING DECISION.

It all started with my own personal success with my fitness goals, I lost 30 pounds when I began to really focus on clean eating along with exercise. I’ve lost a total of 40 pounds since beginning this journey. Being a Coach with and for others has helped keep me focused on my goals to feel better, be healthier and grow stronger.

Then I began to share with my family by helping them take steps in the healthier direction. Who knew that we would ever discuss healthy food options for family celebrations! Now my sisters, nieces, mom and I talk about workouts. We share healthy recipes. We share what we’re doing to feel healthier. We’ve even started to talk about personal development books to strengthen our minds!

What happened next still gives me goose bumps and a flutter in my stomach. I learned the power of sharing my journey, my successes and my struggles. I began to share with friends how they could also find success with their health and fitness goals. It all started with my great friend Lisa who believed that I could help her lose weight and feel better. We found a program for her and she got plugged into my online accountability groups. She has since lost 50 pounds and will be running her first Disney 5K!

And the more I shared, the more people started to find more success.

Fast forward 17 months, up to today. As a Coach, I’ve helped over 50 people start and continue their own journey towards a healthier, happier life. My decisions to become a Coach has completely changed my life, changed my mindset and changed my perspective. I’m growing into the person that I’m meant to be by sharing my passion. I’m building a family of supportive, encouraging and inspiring people. We will continue to share our journeys.
We will continue to grow as a team, with more Coaches to share their own amazing journeys.

My personal passion for health and fitness has aligned perfectly with my passion to help others feel healthier and be healthier. I have found the perfect platform to help inspire others to begin their journey as I continue my own. I have found what I was meant to do!

I'm a pharmacist on a mission to be healthy and help others find their own healthy. I’m on a mission to spread the power of prevention.

And you can join us! You can join Team Rx Health!

My team is ready for new coaches and I'm beginning a new coach mentor program VERY SOON! I will give you the tools to be successful as a coach as well as personally mentor you throughout the process!

If you're ready to get into the best shape of your life WHILE sharing your story, inspiring, motivating and encouraging others, this is PERFECT for YOU!

And don't worry, you don't have to be a health professional, or certified, you just have to be ready to ENJOY THE JOURNEY!

Team Rx Health, with me as your Coach, is ready to help you experience the joys of this life changing opportunity!

Don't wait -- fill out the form below and I will be in touch!

Fill out my online form.
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