Thursday, May 14, 2015

Why I completed the 3 Day Refresh

I completed the 3 Day Refresh last week for a few reasons, the most important was to detox my system from the added sugars that I had eaten earlier last week (peanut butter eggs!) and a little stomach bug.  Anytime I eat added sugars from candy or junk food, I always have bad cravings for quite a few days after.  The cravings happen after we eat added sugars because our bodies are literally on a sugar high that releases endorphins and causes our brains to release serotonin and dopamine, making us feel better.  And excess sugar causes our bodies to secrete the hormone insulin and insulin blocks the hormone leptin.  When we have high insulin levels and low leptin levels we feel hungrier.  When our body is tricked into thinking that we are starving from these hormone imbalances, it will store the excess sugar as fat.  After this “rush”, there is always a “crash”.  This is a vicious cycle that causes more harm than it’s worth – that piece of candy really doesn’t taste that good!

So that whole cycle in itself is enough to make me want to detox my system.  But another reason was to actually FEEL better.  Sugar’s effects on dopamine can literally leave us feeling moody.  I always feel horrible after a couple days of sugary treats, I lack energy, I’m bloated from fluid retention and my skin always breaks out. It’s true, excess sugars will cause hormone fluctuation leading to breakouts.  
Because I’m a pharmacist, I research every supplement that goes into my system and every supplement that I recommend to my patients.  The 3 Day Refresh program is scientifically designed and safe.  And the shake mixes do not have added chemicals or fake ingredients that are unsafe.  And this 3 day program is not a juice cleanse or liquid fast where you literally starve yourself.  This program supports metabolism with Shakeology, healthy protein shakes during the day and actual fruits & veggies – no starvation involved. 

Here are my 3 days in a nutshell.  I completed the first 2 days of the program while I was working, which made everything easier.  I didn’t have time to think about food.  The 3rd day was a little bit tougher because I was home and there are more temptations at home.  But day 3 is always the hardest for me to finish because I always crave meat by that time.  I did eat the same foods all 3 days because this was easier for me and I could prep it all the day before I started.  The most important part of this program is to stay on schedule with your meals and snacks because if you go too long without eating, you will feel hungry.

Each of the 3 days I had:

Warm lemon water immediately after waking
Breakfast: Shakeology blended with serving of fruit
Morning serving of green tea
Mid-morning fiber sweep drink
Lunch: vanilla protein shake, 1 serving strawberries/blueberries, sautéed zucchini with coconut oil
Afternoon snack: cucumber slices and almond butter
Afternoon serving of green tea
Supper: vanilla protein shake and mixed green salad with veggies & olive oil (I added salt/pepper because it just tastes better!)

My results were WONDERFUL, as always!  I felt much better after completing the 3 days, I slept better during the refresh and my energy levels are back to normal.  The sugar cravings are gone, I lost quite a bit of water weight that I was retaining (12 pounds to be exact) and my skin cleared up!

There is FINALLY a safe, all-natural mini-cleanse product that I, as a pharmacist, can actually recommend in good faith and that I will actually use myself.  No starvation involved, no unsafe herbs or chemicals AT ALL.

I host monthly challenge groups for fitness and nutrition support.  We can use the 3 Day Refresh to jump start your clean eating habits and start your new workout program on the right foot.

If you would like to check out this product, click this link 

You can also email me at for all the details on the 3 Day Refresh AND my monthly Challenge Groups.
Make Kristin my FREE Team Beachbody Coach

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