Sunday, October 2, 2016

How I Have Energy for Long Work Shifts and a Little on Processed Foods

Busy, stressful, hectic days at the pharmacy always remind me how much simple nutrition changes that I made a few years ago have helped my energy levels.  As a pharmacist, I work 12 hour shifts and it is VERY common for me to not have lunch until at least 3:00 in the afternoon with no breaks during the day.  This work schedule motivates me to eat as healthy as I can each day so that I can have as much energy as possible and feel better throughout the day.

A few years ago, I lived (when I say lived, I literally mean lived) off of low fat, non-fat and sugar free junk.  And I remember think that I was eating “healthy” foods because we’re always told on the package and in advertising that it’s healthy and good for us.  But I never felt good.  I would crave the sugary and salty foods.  My days at work were spent snacking on processed “health” food that caused me to have a huge sugar high, then crash shortly afterwards.  This of course, led to a vicious cycle of snacking on processed foods throughout the day so that I would have barely enough energy to make it a few more hours before I had to snack again for another sugar rush.  What I didn’t know then was that these processed foods were so far from healthy!

I remember the night that I finally decided my health and energy were too important and that enough was enough.  I knew then that I should FEEL better and have more energy because I was only in my early 30’s!  A few years ago, I committed to learning about foods, processed foods and how I could help myself more.  This is when I committed to limiting processed foods and committed to eating clean foods as least 80% (usually 90%) of the time.

Now, let’s talk for a minute about processed foods.

What are processed foods?
The short answer – they aren’t really food at all – simple as that!  Processed foods are anything that have been altered from their natural state.  Boxed, packaged, frozen “meals”, basically the foods in the middle of the grocery stores.   And many times, processed foods have been processed so much that they are hardly food at all!  That’s a bit scary, right?!?

How are they made?
Companies use chemicals AND heat to process the foods.
By the time they are finished with processing most of the processed foods…nutrients are basically gone and what was once food is no longer nutritious or healthy.  
THEN after the processing, they add flavorings, sweeteners, chemicals, etc to make the stuff taste like food!

When we eat processed foods, our bodies aren’t getting any nutrition from what we’ve eaten --- then we crave MORE and more.

As a country, we’re undernourished and overfed!
-- Undernourished because of the lack of nutrients in processed foods 
-- Overfed - we’re so often feeling hungry and craving more food because we’ve not absorbed any nutrition from the processed foods that we’ve eaten.

After learning all of these things – I was even more committed to limiting processed foods at least 80% of the time.  For me, living 100% unprocessed is unreasonable, so I’m happy and feel great with my commitment to eat clean 80%-90% of the time.

NOW, let me share with you a list that I refer to often to remind myself WHY I committed to limiting processed foods.  

This list tells exactly what processed foods will do to our bodies!  And this list will probably motivate you as well to make a few changes.

1. Processed foods are highly addictive.  Our bodies process these “fake” foods differently and the foods cause an excess production of the brain chemical dopamine.  Dopamine causes you to feel pleasure which in turn causes you to crave and want more junk foods.

2. Processed foods contain phosphates that can destroy organs & bones.  Phosphates are additives used to improve taste, texture and shelf life.

3. Fresh foods are actually cheaper than processed foods.

4. Processed foods cause chronic inflammation.  Studies continue to show that refined sugars, processed flours, vegetable oils and many other ingredients cause inflammation.  Inflammation is a natural process of the body and is the immune systems solution to protect areas that are injured.  Chronic ingestion of processed foods leads to overstimulation of the immune system, chronic inflammation and damage to healthy tissues.  

5. Processed foods ruin digestion.  Because they have been stripped of their natural fibers, enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients, they will cause harm in the digestive system.  Processed foods throw our internal ecosystem off balance and deplete the good bacteria in our gut. 

6. Processed foods destroy your mind.  Studies have linked chronic consumption of processed foods with brain “fog”, difficulty concentrating and difficulty thinking normally.  Nutrient-dense whole foods can help level out your moods, sustain energy levels and leave you feeling more calm. 
7.  Processed foods are loaded with genetically-modified organisms.

8. Processed foods are loaded with pesticides.  Even breakfast cereals have been shown to have pesticide chemicals.

9. Processed foods are not actually food.  Your body will still be hungry and will gain NO nutrients from the processed foods. 

10. Processed foods are loaded with sugars or artificial sweeteners to help the taste of the product.  Once food has been processed and all the actual food, nutrients & fat removed, there isn’t much flavor left – so companies have to add sweeteners back in to help the food be more palatable.  

How does all of this change my energy levels??  

By nourishing my body with actual nutrients from fresh foods and healthy proteins, I’m supplying my body with food that it can digest and use for constant, steady energy throughout the day.  I’m helping to keep my blood sugar levels steady by always combining a healthy complex carbohydrate with a lean protein with each meal or snack to give me quick energy and then a lasting energy supply so that my blood sugar stays steady.  I’m also ensuring that I’m supplying my body with the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that it requires by drinking Shakeology each day.  This clean, whole food nutritional supplement gives me all the vitamins, minerals, superfoods, enzymes and probiotics that I need to thrive and feel my best each day.

This is what I know for sure.  

We all require healthy nutrition.  Processed foods do not supply our bodies with healthy nutrition.  Processed foods cause so much more harm than good.  Dieting is hard and usually unhealthy.  

I struggled for TOO MANY YEARS with my weight and awful energy levels.  And I’ve finally found a balance that works for me and helps me feel my best.

As a pharmacist, each day I see exactly the side effects when nutrition and exercise are not priorities.  Talk about daily motivation!  
As a health and wellness Coach, I have the privilege of sharing my journey and knowledge to encourage and inspire you to live your healthiest!     

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