Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Travel Tips to Stay on Track with Nutrition and Fitness Goals

As I pack for my first ever Leadership Conference with work, I thought that I would share how I stay on track, even while traveling.  This conference is my company’s annual event to continually develop and recognize leaders, and I’ve been told that they “go all out” and treat us quite well.  So, while I’m excited, I’m also a little concerned about the types of foods that will be available for me.  I have a copy of the agenda, we will have 3 meals per day, snacks all day, cocktail parties and even a trip to Universal.  So it’s imperative that I have a GAME PLAN to stay on track!

My game plan starts with making the plan.  I have the meeting agenda, so I know that I will need to wake up early to workout in my hotel room before the group breakfast.  Workout DVDs will be packed, along with my computer, so I’ll have no excuses.  And my boss even wants to try out a couple workouts, so I’m taking a variety for her. 

I’m still going to have my Shakeology for breakfast each day.  Starting my day with a shake helps to curb my sweet tooth first thing in the morning and keeps me feeling full for a few hours.  This way I will be able to avoid the donuts and danishes that are always on the menu at breakfasts. 
My plan for lunches and dinners are to stick with lean proteins and lots of vegetables.  It’s easy for me to avoid cream sauces and fried foods.
I will be packing snacks to have during the day such as snack baggies of nuts, Kind bars and apples.  And I’m packing plenty of bottled water to stay hydrated.  Dehydration can lead to headaches and hunger, so I have to stay on track with my water intake!

My suitcase will also be loaded with my Nina blender, Shakeology (of course!), coconut oil and all-natural almond butter.  I will also be traveling with a cold bag of unsweetened almond milk and fruit to use in my shakes each morning. 

This all takes a little bit of extra planning.  But being able to stay on track with my workouts and nutrition goals, helps me to feel better and keep my energy up.  And I won’t feel guilty if I have a treat or two while I’m at the meeting!

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