Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Are you eating these hidden sugars?

We may not be drinking sweetened beverages or eating sweets BUT hidden sugars can add up quickly.  Reading nutrition labels is a must to ensure that we do our best to decrease our ADDED sugar intake each day.  

The American Heart Association recommends no more than 6 teaspoons (24 grams) of ADDED sugar per day for women and no more than 9 teaspoons of ADDED sugar per day for men.

Some of the most common sources for hidden sugars are foods that we eat regularly.

Barbecue sauce - some sauces can have as much as 28 grams of added sugar per serving!  There are homemade versions with less sugar that are easy to make.

Tomato sauce - some can have as much as 10 grams of added sugars.  If you must buy jarred sauces, read the nutrition labels and search for the lowest sugar content.  Making your own tomato sauce with tomatoes, garlic and herbs is a great way to ensure you are not eating added sugars.

Ketchup - just avoid it!

Yogurt - we have to read labels on yogurt.  Low fat versions have a higher sugar content from the lactose.  Full fat versions are a better option.  Try to avoid fruit flavored yogurt.  Purchase plain yogurt and add your own fruits.

Non-dairy milks - always purchase the unsweetened almond milk, etc.

Breakfast bars and packaged breakfast foods - some can have up to 25 grams (6 tsp) of added sugars in one bar.  

Store bought dressings and sauces can have large amounts of added sugars.  Try to make your own clean dressing at home or read labels and find the healthiest packaged versions.

Why are we so concerned about added sugars?  Of course eating excess sugars can increase risk of heart disease and diabetes. Excess sugars can increase weight - so why wouldn't you cut them out.  And sugar is involved in a viscous cycle of cravings, sugar crashes and hormone effects. 

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